
Tamsulosin Uses, Dosage & Side Effects

What is tamsulosin? Tamsulosin is a generic name for a drug belonging to the group of alpha-blockers which helps for muscle relaxation in the bladder neck and prostate and help … Leia mais


Imodium - Uses, Dosage and Side Effects

What is Loperamide? Loperamide is a Generic name for a long-acting synthetic antidiarrheal drug. This drug works by slowing intestinal motility via opioid receptor and has direct effects on circular … Leia mais

Bisacodyl Suppository

Bisacodyl Suppository

What is Bisacodyl Suppository? Bisacodyl is an organic compound (Compound that contains mainly carbon) that is used to stimulate intestine action and loosens the stool. This class of drug is … Leia mais


Benazepril: Indications, Side Effects, Warnings

What is Benazepril? Benazepril is a Generic name from the class of ACE inhibitors. Benazepril is used to treat high blood pressure. It may be used as individual therapy or … Leia mais



What is Benzonatate? Benzonatate is a generic name for a cough suppressant drug, previously termed non – specific antitussive drug, which uses pharmacologic agents that act as inhibitory effects on the … Leia mais

Does amoxicillin expire?

Can I take expired amoxicillin

What is Amoxicillin? Amoxicillin is a beta- lactame antibiotic used to kill susceptible microorganisms responsible for bacterial infections. It is used to kill bacteria by inhibiting cell wall synthesis. Amoxicillin … Leia mais