Vitamin B12


What is Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)?

Vitamin B has eight types, therefore, it is termed as vitamin B complex. Vitamin b12 is one of vitamin B complex that is soluble in water and present in some animal and plant foods.

However, it is also added to certain foods and it is also available as vitamin b12 supplements and as a prescription dietary medicine. Chemically vitamin b12 exists in the various form of mineral cobalt called as cobalamins. The active forms of Vitamin b12 in human metabolism are 5-deoxyadenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin.

Vitamin b12 rich foods includes Fish, crab, tofu, soya milk, eggs, cheese, low-fat dairy, fortified cereals, red meat, liver, shellfish,  yeast, poultry and milk products.

Why Vitamin B12 is important

Vitamin b12 is essential for red blood cell formation, DNA synthesis, and proper neurological functions. It is hard to get optimal levels of vitamin b12 on daily basis, therefore, a little focus on our daily nutrition is very necessary to have optimal health.

Vitamin b12 plays a key role in supporting the cardiovascular health especially in the prevention of anemia and coronary heart disease. Vitamin b12 is efficient in regulating the tumor necrosis factor’s activity as TNF over-activity is strongly connected to osteoporosis.

Vitamin b12 is helpful in carrying the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats and other biological processes that are carried out routinely by the human body. Therefore its deficiency leads to multiple diseases like anemia.

Vitamin b12 deficiency is prevalent in individuals who are above 50 but it is also common in people having certain diseases such as digestive problems. Vitamin b12 deficiency is symptomatic to a greater extent and the deficient individual feels lethargy and fatigue, numbness, tingling of toes and fingers, shortness of breath, numbness and in few cases diarrhea is also present.

Vitamin B12 Molecular weight, formula, and chemical structure

Vitamin b12 is the most complex vitamin of vitamin B complex group and has a huge chemical structure. The molecular formula for vitamin b12 is C63H88CoN14O14P and the molecular weight is 1355.388 g/mol.

Vitamin b12 is an organic compound that contains up to 37 % cobalt in natural sources. It is stable at neutral pH with deep red color, tasteless and crystalline compound properties.

Vitamin b12 is available in four forms that are methylcobalamin, cyanocobalamin, hydroxocobalamin, and adenosylcobalamin. Cyanocobalamin is considered as a principal form of vitamin b12 because it is used in vitamin b12 supplements and other pharmaceutical compounds.

The basic structure of vitamin b12 starts from corrin ring that resembles porphyrin ring of cytochrome, heme, and chlorophyll to some extent. There are six coordination sites provided by cobalamin compound, one by dimethyl benzimidazole and one site is variable.

The variable reactive site can attach a methyl group to form methylcobalamin, hydroxyl group to form hydroxocobalamin, cyano group to form cyanocobalamin and deoxyadenosine group to form adenosylcobalamin. The central metal atom of corrin ring is cobalt hence called as cobalamin.

The structures of all four forms of cobalamin are as follow:

vitamin b12 Cobalamin chemical structure

What does Vitamin B12 do? (Benefits of Vitamin B12)

In human body vitamin, B12 is converted into coenzymes called cobamides that don’t contain all reactive groups. Vitamin b12 aids metabolism by acting as an active coenzyme in the form of either methylcobalamin or adenosylcobalamin.

The basic purpose of vitamin b12 is to help the human body in the production of heme to make red blood cells functional and to maintain the optimum health of myelin. Red blood cells are crucial to oxygenate the body tissues properly and to meet the hemoglobin requirements of the body while myelin is a fat containing substance that is vital for nerve functionality. Other health benefits of vitamin b12 are:

  • Vitamin B12 or cobalamin is proved for its role in male fertility. The balanced amount of vitamin B12 is helpful in increasing the total sperm count and maintaining the quality of them.
  • It has a negative effect on prions where it lowers the level of prions in the nervous system to prevent neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Vitamin B12 plays an effective role in prevention and treatment of certain types of cancers such as colon cancer, lungs cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer.
  • Vitamin B12 has a comprehensive approach to preventing most of the heart diseases by maintaining good health of human vital organ the heart.
  • It is known for providing and boosting the energy level to make an individual alert.
  • Vitamin B12 works to relieve the depression by maintaining good mental health.
  • Vitamin B12 is good to maintain healthy skin and hairs and for normal activity of the digestive system.
  • Vitamin B12 is necessary to maintain the healthy bones and prevent osteoporosis.
  • It is also helpful in slowing the aging process.
  •  It is essential vitamin to carry out metabolism of macronutrients especially proteins

Bitamin B12 absorption mechanism

How is vitamin B12 absorbed by the body?
Vitamin B12 is primarily manufactured by bacteria that live in a digestive tract of animals, soil, and water. Animals have protein bound vitamin B12 because vitamin B12 needs an attachment to protein for transportation and storage.

Where is vitamin B12 absorbed in the digestive system? What protein is needed for vitamin B12 absorption in the intestine?

The absorption of vitamin b12 is carried out through two steps, in the first step hydrochloric acid in the stomach detaches the protein from the vitamin b12 making it a free form of the vitamin. In the second step, free vitamin B12 is ready to bind to R protein. The binding of vitamin b12 with R-proteins is for the sake of protection while transporting from stomach to small intestine.

R proteins such as aka cobalamin, transcobalamin I and haptocorrin have also a tendency to bind to corrinoid. The pancreatic proteases digest this complex in the intestine to release R protein. Another protein called intrinsic factor is also released by the stomach that only bounds to cobalamin corrinoids to reach ilium.

The cell lining of the ileum contains receptors for intrinsic factor-cobalamin complex that aids the absorption of cobalamin from intestine without degradation from digestive enzymes and bacteria.

Most of the vitamin b12 supplements are unbound vitamin b12, therefore, it does not depend on digestive enzymes for degradation and further processing. Unbound Vitamin b12 is absorbed through passive diffusion efficiently depending on the amount to be taken.

Vitamin B12 Dosages and forms

As we have discussed Vitamin b12 is found naturally in animal and plant foods and a healthy diet will help to maintain a good level of vitamin b12. However, when few disease states either prevent the absorption of vitamin b12 or don’t let to be effective therefore there is a need for vitamin b12 supplementation. The dose of vitamin b12 varies patient to patient in accordance with the deficiency level and patient’s condition, age, and gender.

Vitamin b12 is available in more than one dosage forms including simple tablets, extended-release tablets, sublingual tablets, oral liquid dosage form, injectable solutions, nasal gels and nasal sprays.

The average dose of vitamin B12 is 1-2 mcg per day for adults, 2.2 mg per day for pregnant women, 2.6 mg for breastfeeding women, 1 mcg for children of 4-6 years, 1.4 mcg for children of 7-10 years and 0.3 to 0.7 mcg for infants (<3 years).

The dose of vitamin B12 depends on the deficiency level of the patient while the selection of dosage form depends on the medical condition of the patient, where he/she can take oral supplements or I/V supplements.

Is Liquid B12 better than the pill?

The prescribed dosage form better suits to each patient and patients should take according to doctor’s advice. Vitamin B12 is available in both liquid and solid dosage form. Liquid dosage forms are easy to absorb as compared to solid dosage form generally. Liquid and solid dosage forms of vitamin B12 are available for oral administration while liquid injectables are also available for the patients who have difficulty in absorption through GIT.

Liquid vitamin B12 is available in two dosage forms; Vitamin B 12 oral liquid supplement and Vitamin B 12 shots. It has been observed that oral liquid vitamin B12 supplements are more liked by the patients because they are easy to take with very fast pharmacokinetics.

The human body absorbs almost 98 % of vitamin B12 when taken as an oral liquid while 5-20 % absorption takes place when it is taken as an oral tablet.

Liquid vitamin B12 does not require hepatic metabolism because it directly absorbed to the blood stream, therefore, liquid Vitamin B 12 requires low doses as compared to a solid tablet. Vitamin B12 shots have highest bio-availability with the greatest effectiveness. So Liquid Vitamin B12 is better as compared to its solid dosage form.

How much Vitamin B12 Body needs for kids, adults Men and Women, Pregnant women and Nursing women?

Vitamin B12 is the part of almost all multivitamin supplements and it is also available with folic acid. The key to taking vitamin supplements is their proper dosing to prevent and treat deficiencies. The dose of Vitamin B12 depends on:

  • The dosage form of the vitamin B12
  • Medical condition of the patient
  • Age of the patient
  • Gender of the patients
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

The US Food and Drug Authority have calculated the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for Vitamin B12 on the basis of above variables. The RDA for healthy individuals is as follows:

  • Adequate Intake under close supervision is recommended for children of below one year, 0.4 mcg up to 6 months and 0.5 mcg up to 12 months.
  • Daily RDA for the children of 1-3 years age is 0.9 mcg.
  • At the age of 4-8 years, RDA is 1.2 mcg daily.
  • Teenagers, who are in between 9-13 years of age, require RDA up to 1.8 mcg each day.
  • For adults 14 years and above, RDA for Vitamin B 12 is 2.4 mcg per day.
  •  Pregnant women need Vitamin B12 up to 2.6 mcg per day while lactating women requires 2.8 mcg daily to meet RDA.

The above RDA is necessary for each individual to avoid deficiencies however the dose of Vitamin B12 varies from person to person in multiple disease conditions related to Vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms

What happens if you don t have enough vitamin B in your diet? According to world health report conducted in 2004, Vitamin B 12 deficiency is one of the most common and leading deficiencies in many countries of the world.

The daily recommended intake of Vitamin B 12 is necessary to stay healthy because it has a positive impact on major body systems and organs including heart, skin, hair, GIT, memory, mood and energy level.

When we don’t get adequate Vitamin B 12 from our diet, then, we become Vitamin B 12 deficient. The symptoms of Vitamin deficiency can vary from mild to severe. The most common negative symptoms of its deficiency are depression, stress, chronic fatigue and anemia.

Other symptoms are muscle pain, muscle weakness, pain in joints, dizziness, impaired memory, difficulty in breathing, heart problems, dental health issues, GIT problems, loss of appetite, pernicious anemia, decreased fertility, psychosis, sensation abnormalities, ataxia, mania, apathy, anorexia, personality changes, developmental regression, lower RBCs, lightheadedness, pale color of the skin, weight loss and genetic disorders. Lower levels of vitamin b 12 in the body result in lower production of RBCs and further complications.

When young children don’t take enough Vitamin B 12 in their daily diet they have compromised growth, development and sometimes difficulty in movement. The above symptoms can either occur with other symptoms or a single symptom can signify its deficiency.

Can lack of vitamin b12 cause headaches, hair loss, diarrhea, numbness, anxiety,  panick attacks, dizziness or shakiness, back pain, blurred vision, cramps, dehydration, eye twitching, erectile dysfunction, eczema, fibromyalgia, foot pain, fever, fatigue, acid reflux or gastritis, grey hair, gastroparesis, headache, high blood pressure, hives, hair loss, insomnia, iron deficiency, itching, infertility, jaundice, kidney problems, leukemia cancer, muscle spasms, memory loss, neurological problems, nose bleeds, nerve damage, optic neuritis, OCD, oral thrush, shortness of breath, paralysis, palpitations, puffy eyes, seizures, sweating, tinnitus, thyroid problems, does vitamin b12 deficiency cause frequent urination, dark circles under eyes, mouth ulcers, vertigo, yeast infections?

The adequate intake of Vitamin B 12 is very necessary to maintain the required blood level of Vitamin B 12 in the body. When its blood level is decreased in the human body it leads to multiple medical conditions and symptoms.

Its deficiency affects various body systems including GIT, ENT, oral cavity, vascular systems, reproductive system, psychological and neurological systems. Vitamin B 12 is vital in cell formation and providing an energy to perform all functions at cellular levels in human body.

Yes, lack of Vitamin B 12 cause headaches, hair loss, diarrhea, numbness, anxiety, anemia, panic attacks, dizziness or shakiness, back pain, blurred vision, cramps, dehydration, eye twitching, erectile dysfunction, eczema, fibromyalgia, foot pain, fever, fatigue, acid reflux or gastritis, grey hair, gastroparesis, high blood pressure, hives, insomnia, iron deficiency, itching, infertility, jaundice, kidney problems, leukemia cancer, muscle spasms, memory loss, neurological problems, nose bleeds, nerve damage, optic neuritis, OCD, oral thrush, shortness of breath, paralysis, palpitations, puffy eyes, seizures, sweating, tinnitus, thyroid problems.

It is also a fact that vitamin B 12 deficiency can cause frequent urination, dark circles under eyes, mouth ulcers, vertigo and yeast infections but vitamin B 12 deficiency is not the direct cause of these ailments.

Can Vitamin B12 Deficiency cause Death?

Yes, chronic vitamin B 12 deficiency can cause death, although it is rare but untreated macrocytic anemia and extremely lower DNA synthesis can kill the patient.

Folate in our body requires vitamin B 12 to synthesize DNA and RBCs to carry out the major functions of the body. The brain is connected to the body through a delicate network of nerves and nerves require myelin sheath as an insulation to protect the nerves.

Vitamin B 12 is a key player in the formation of myelin sheaths. So its deficiency directly effects nervous system, vascular system, cell formation and indirectly brain for a proper psychological workout.

Chronic Vitamin B 12 deficiency may lead to damage the vital organs permanently that are very serious and lethal outcome. If anemia, psychological disorders, nervous disorders, gastric illness, ENT problems and decreased DNA synthesis are not treated then, death is the only outcome.

How much B12 should I take daily?

The daily intake of vitamin B12 depends on whether you want to maintain the levels of vitamin B12 in the body or you have Vitamin B 12 deficiency so you want to correct it with vitamin B12 supplements.

It is good to take food that is rich in vitamin B12 to avoid deficiency or maintain vitamin B12 levels in the body. Plants foods don’t contain vitamin B12 but animal foods are rich in vitamin B12 so it is advised to add all animal foods in your daily diet including dairy product, fish, meat, and cereals to get an average value of Vitamin B12 on daily basis.

The daily requirement for vitamin B12 depends on the health of the patient. Healthy adult individuals need 2.4 mcg vitamin B12 daily that can easily be obtained through single fried egg or omelet or by eating just 100 gram of bake Cod fish.

With various medical conditions, a dose of vitamin B12 varies greatly because 125-2000 mcg daily of vitamin B12 are required to treat deficiencies. For prevention of anemia 2-10 mcg of vitamin B12 should be taken. Similarly, the dose of it can vary greatly from infants to old age.

Can I take Vitamin b12 with Orange Juice, coffee, milk, soda and alcohol?

While taking vitamin B supplements you should talk to your doctor or pharmacist to get guideline regarding the supplement food interactions and supplements-drug interactions. When you take the oral supplements they are absorbed through stomach but few foods and drinks can either limit the absorption of vitamin b 12 supplements or increase the absorption of this supplement.

It is not a good choice to take vitamin B 12 with orange juice because it requires animal or plant base fat to completely absorb in the body and orange juice has zero fat content. Therefore orange juice is considered as a poor choice for the administration of vitamin B 12 supplements. However, acidic nature of orange juice can help in dissolving the coating and binder of supplement.

Caffeine-containing beverages such as tea, coffee, chocolate, and soda should not be taken when you are on Vitamin B 12 supplements because caffeine decreases the absorption of vitamin B 12 and increases its excretion out of the body. So this supplement will not give you required levels in the blood.

Milk itself is a rich source of vitamin B 12 so taking vitamin B 12 supplements with milk should not be advised. It interferes with the total amount of vitamin B 12 to be absorbed in the blood and high fat milk can speed up the absorption of vitamin B 12 supplements that leads to inaccurate blood levels of it.

Alcohol decreases the absorption of vitamin B 12 in the body, therefore, alcohol intake during vitamin B 12 supplementation will reduce the blood levels of this vitamin. So the alcohol drinking must be discouraged when you are taking Vitamin B 12 supplement. The water is the best choice to take all type of supplements.

How to take Vitamin B12 tablets, drops, spray?

It is very important to get the right dose and right dosage form of vitamin supplements. ‘The selection of dosage form depends on your medical condition. The most common dosage forms are tablets, drops, and sprays.

  • Tablet dosage forms are administered through oral route and it has following subtype:
  • Simple vitamin B 12 tablets are taken by mouth with or without food (preferably one hour before or after a meal) with a glass of water (being a neutral fluid). It can be taken as daily single dose or short three doses per day.
  • Similarly, extended-release tablets are also taken through oral route without crushing and chewing because it will lead to the release of the whole drug at a time, increasing the risk for undesirable effects.
  • Chewable tablets are simply chewed in the mouth thoroughly before swallow it.
  • If you are taking rapidly dissolving tablets you should dissolve them in the mouth before the swallow. You can take them with or without water as depending on the brand of supplement.
  • Liquid dosage forms of vitamin B 12 are drops and injections. Drops are the better choice than tablets because they are easy to take and they rapidly absorbed in the body. Prescribe number of drops are administered by oral route before or after a meal.
  • Aerosol dosage forms include nasal sprays of vitamin B 12. The single nasal spray is administered in one nostril at a time. If you are taking a hot meal or fluids than you should administer the nasal spray before or after a meal.

When is the Best Time to take Vitamin B12?

The time of administration of vitamin B12 is very important especially when you are on continuous vitamin supplementation. You should take vitamin B 12 when it suits you like if you are comfortable to take it on morning and it is easy to remember you then you should take it in the morning. It can also be taken on the morning but the best time to take vitamin B 12 supplements is in the morning after breakfast.

Because vitamin B is well recognized as energy generating vitamins so, it is absolutely good to take it in the morning to provide a better relief of stress and fatigue. When it is taken after dinner it may interfere and disturb your sleep.

The composition of vitamin B12 is also an important factor in deciding about the time to take it. Whether it is multivitamin or combined with folate you have to take it accordingly and must follow the doctor’s advice before taking it.

Another advantage of taking vitamin B12 in the morning is to have its maximum absorption. Vitamin B12 supplements are synthetic substances and they need natural vitamins and food to absorb completely. When you take it in the morning, it will absorb the whole day with all food items you will eat.

How long does Vitamin B12 take to work?

Vitamin B12 is also known as energy vitamin and it is used in treating anemia and lethargy. The duration vitamin B12 take to show its activity depends on:

  • The dosage form of the vitamin B12
  • The deficiency level in your body
  • Your target blood level for the vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 is available in oral dosage forms such as oral tablets and oral liquids, nasal sprays and nasal gels and injections or vitamin B12 shots. The lowest dosage form is oral and fast acting dosage form is injections or shots. When you have a moderate level of deficiency and you are taking oral pills to treat it then it will take one month to reach a normal level of vitamin B12.

Injection and shots are used in severe cases of deficiency and it takes about 3-4 to maintain a sufficient level of vitamin B12 in the body. Nasal sprays are also faster in activity as compared to oral tablets. The absorption of oral medication greatly depends on the rate of absorption from the stomach and vitamin concentration in the pill.

So, the doctor will decide the right dosage form for you depending on your medical conditional and your blood screening for vitamin B12.

Can I take Vitamin B12 before Surgery?

Surgery is an extensive procedure that must be performed with complete care under critical observations and interventions. It is vital to guide the patients according to their condition prior to surgery for all programmed surgery.

You should follow the doctor’s instructions for what to eat and what to quit and inform your doctor about all medications and supplementation you are taking at that time. It is very beneficial to take vitamin B12 prior to surgery due to:

  • Vitamin B12 is water soluble vitamin so it is not easily absorbed leading to very low risk to have side effects.
  • It mediates the DNA synthesis, RBCs formation and protects the nerves to be damaged by the formation of the myelin sheath. Therefore vitamin B12 intake before surgery can help out the patients to have a better recovery.
  • All types of local and general anesthesia require vitamin B12 so it is good to take vitamin B12 before and after surgery. The most common side effect of anesthetic medications is the depletion of vitamin B12 body stores up to 65 %.

Can taking too much Vitamin B12 be Dangerous? How much is too much B12 in a Day?

Excess of everything is bad for health whether it’s medication or nutrition. You should try to follow the doctor’s instructions critically whenever you are taking supplements. Vitamin B12 is considered as a safe vitamin to be taken and there is no evidence of overdosing of it in literature.

Vitamin B 12 is water soluble vitamin, therefore, its high proportion is excreted through urine instead to accumulation in the body to produce side effects. According to FDA 2.4, mcg of vitamin B 12 are enough to take per day but slight increase to RDA have not shown any harmful effect. For vitamin B12 Upper Tolerable Intake Level has not been established that is another positive point toward its safety.

The rare cases of its harmful effects have shown tingling in hands, arms and face, acne, rosacea and chronic overdosing are associated with prostate cancer. It should be used with more care during pregnancy and lactation and in the infants. It has shown significant health risks in diabetic patients when taken too much.

Although Vitamin B 12 is safe vitamin but its safety varies from patient to patients due to different medical and physical condition of each patient.

Can you overdose on Vitamin B12? Vitamin b12 overdose Symptoms?

Vitamin B 12 is safe vitamin and multiple research studies have shown that there are very rare cases about its overdosing and toxicity. There are more chances of overdosing of fat-soluble vitamins because they are stored in the fat tissues and produce overdosing symptoms.

Vitamin B12 is water-soluble vitamin that is not stored in the adipose tissues and excreted out of the body in urine. Therefore there are very little chances of an overdosing and daily dose of vitamin B12 is needed to meet the deficiency due to its flushing out of the body.

Overdosing of vitamin B 12 results when a normal individual (who have excellent blood levels of Vitamin B12) start its high doses without consulting a doctor, it may produce undesirable effects. In order to compete for the high doses of vitamin B12 human body is adapted to osmosis of water to the intravascular space from interstitial space to promote the excessive urination and dilution of vitamin B12.

The overdosing symptoms are basically a compensatory phenomenon of the body to remove the excessive levels of vitamin B12 through all excretory pathways. The symptoms of Vitamin B12 overdosing are facial flushing, diarrhea, increased frequency and volume of urination, more and more thirst, tingling sensation, panic attacks, palpitation, insomnia, hyperthyroidism, and eczema.

Vitamin B12 Foods

Like all components of Vitamin B complex vitamin, B12 is also an essential vitamin that is vital for the performance of all important body functions such as DNA formation, RBCs synthesis, and protection of nerves to protect the nervous system. The primary source of it is the foods you eat and secondary sources are supplements to be taken that are prescribed by the doctors.

Foods that contain vitamin B 12 are:

  • Vitamin B12 fortified foods such as breakfast cereals, fortified soy, yeast extract spreads
  • Some plant foods also contain a very low quantity of vitamin B12 such as fermented vegetables, fermented beans, whey powder, edible mushrooms and edible algae.
  • The most common and rich sources of vitamin B12 are animal products such as clams, mussels, crab, mackerel, beef, salmon, rockfish, milk, turkey, cheese, egg, chicken, herring, sardines, tuna, trout, yogurt, lamb, beef liver, oysters, haddock, and lamb.

As there is a wide variety of food that contains vitamin B 12 and each and every source have different vitamin B 12 content so it must be taken accordingly.

How to get Vitamin B12 naturally for Vegetarians?

Vitamin B12 is produced by bacteria mainly and some other single cell organisms that are present in the gut of animals and human. Therefore animal products are rich in vitamin B12 and if we are not vegetarian than we can get RDA vitamin B12 easily from our daily diet.

Vegetarians don’t eat animal products they just eat dairy products, eggs, vegetables, nuts, grains, pulses, seeds, fruits and other vegetable based products. So it becomes difficult for vegetarian to maintain Vitamin B12 levels in the body and they easily become B12 deficient.

Vegans who don’t eat even eggs and dairy products need vitamin B12 supplements on daily basis for the proper working of the body. So vegetarian can get Vitamin B12 naturally from yeast extracts such as marmites, soy products, eggs, milk, cheese, white button mushroom, edible algae, whey powder, yogurt, and low-fat dairy products.

It is advised to take vitamin B12 supplements on and off when you are on vegetarian diet otherwise you may suffer anemia, fatigue, depression, and nervous system abnormalities.

Can I take Vitamin B12 pills or injection while pregnant?

You can take vitamin B12 pills and injections during pregnancy because vitamin B 12 is safe during pregnancy and lactation. Deficiency of vitamin B12 has negative effects on mother and child, therefore, we must be conscious about its deficiency rather safety. It is further advised that you must monitor the dose of vitamin B12 during pregnancy to have a balanced level of it in the blood.

FDA has not set its upper tolerable intake levels that are mean that overdose and toxicity related to vitamin B12 intake have not been reported. Vitamin B12 is soluble in water, therefore, it is excreted out of the body through urination without elevating the blood levels of it. Therefore it is considered as very safe vitamin during pregnancy whatever the dosage form is.

Deficiency of vitamin B12 is very dangerous during pregnancy because it leads to birth defects in infants and anemia related illness to the mother. Vitamin B12 is crucial in cell formation and DNA synthesis during the first trimester so either you have a perfect diet to meet all nutritional needs or you must take supplements after consultation with a doctor.

Can I take Vitamin B12 with Iron?

Iron and Vitamin B12 can be taken together and most of the supplementations contain iron and vitamin B12 as a major ingredient in the supplements. Both of them are essential nutrients and they can be administered together when needed without any negative effect.

The most important thing is the dose. You must take the exact dose of both nutrients as prescribed by the physician because iron overdoses and iron toxicity is very common when taken at high doses.

Most of the foods such as meat, eggs, and milk contain both iron and vitamin B12 so taken a balanced diet can prevent the deficiency of both essential elements of food. There is a very close link between iron and vitamin B 12 levels in the body. The main function of vitamin B 12 is the activation of an enzyme “methionine synthetase” that utilizes the folate to synthesize DNA during the division of all cells of human body.

In a healthy individual, about one percent RBCs are replaced with new RBCs to properly oxygenate the cells, organs, and tissues. Vitamin B12 deficiency limits the RBCs production resulting in reduced iron levels in the body. Therefore body needs both iron and folate to grow and develop and there is no negative interaction between both nutrients.

Can I take Vitamin B12 with Accutane?

Accutane is a drug that is derived from vitamin A and it contains isotretinoin as an active ingredient. Isotretinoin is a retinoid that has anti-cancer properties and being widely used in severe cases of cystic acne or nodular acne.

The mechanism of action of Accutane is the reduction of sebum glands size and a further dramatic decrease in sebum oil secretion. Decreased sebum oil production can help the acne to stop. Accutane is also used for some cancers such as neuroblastoma.

Vitamin B 12 is essential nutrient and literature has shown that there is no drug interaction between vitamin B12 and Accutane at prescribed and safe doses. So you can take vitamin B12 at lower doses with Accutane.

When higher doses of vitamin B12 are taken with Accutane it may worsen the acne because in acne vitamin B12 levels are increased in most of the cases and Accutane tends to lower the vitamin B12 to aid to treat acne.

Accutane lowers the vitamin B12 absorption, therefore, it is necessary to take vitamin B12 supplementation before and after Accutane treatment. Sometimes vitamin B12 is prescribed with Accutane at very low doses to prevent anemia and other vitamin B12 deficiencies.

Can I take Vitamin B12 and B6 together?

Almost all multivitamin medications contain both vitamin B6 and B12 giving an evidence that both of these components of Vitamin B complex are not interacting negatively. In human body vitamin B6 and B12 work as team players to perform different functions, it is absolutely safe to administer both at a time. The combined function of vitamin B6 and B12 is in the energy conversions of all macronutrients including fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

These both vitamins are also crucial in lowering the levels of a form of an amino acid homocysteine in the body that is linked to a risk of certain diseases such as stroke and other heart diseases. Vitamin B6 and B12 has a synergistic effect on the body therefore both in combine will give benefits to your health. The combined use of both these vitamin B complex components has a positive impact on your health, body and brain.

You have to maintain the dose of both vitamin B6 and B 12 by taking the advice of a doctor to prevent their toxic accumulation in the body. However, if you are deficient in any of this vitamin than you have to set your dose accordingly, therefore, doctor’s consultation is very necessary. There are various foods that have both vitamin B6 and B12 because they work better together without negative interaction.

Can I take Vitamin B12 and Biotin together?

You can take vitamin B12 and biotin together because there is no reported negative interaction for their combined use. Biotins are called as vitamin B7 or vitamin H and they are soluble in water. Like vitamin B12, unused biotin is excreted in urine, therefore, the body cannot build up to it even when it is taken at high doses.

Biotin or vitamin B7 is required in a very small amount to carry out metabolism and energy conversion of fats by the human body. It is also necessary to maintain the optimum health of hair, nails, liver and eyes. The Little amount of biotin is present in most of your food items such as banana.

Whenever you take it from an external source such as supplements it must be taken in very small doses to meet the need of the body. When you are taking biotin and vitamin B12 together you must consider the daily RDA intake for both because there must be a balance in the intake to have optimum body health and internal functions.

Both vitamins are water soluble and their upper intake levels have not been established therefore safe to take at normal dosage. The best way to take supplements is through doctor’s consultation. Personalized prescription of the supplement is very safe because the doctor will prescribe you according to your physical condition and medical condition.

Can I take Vitamin B12 with Citalopram?

Citalopram belongs to a class of medications termed as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and it is prescribed for mental illness such as depression, anxiety, and stress so on. This antidepressant helps the body to maintain balanced levels of serotonin to perform normal brain functions. In depression serotonin level in the body is reduced that produced depression symptoms.

Vitamin B12 is cobalamin chemically and its low level in the body can lower the serotonin level in the body resulting in depression. So in most of the individuals who have lower vitamin B12 level and they have depression too, both vitamin B12 and citalopram is prescribed together. It is not necessary to take both medications at the same time you can have a gap between both medications.

It is vital for all types of therapies to be discussed briefly with a physician before starting the medication. Because a physician can guide you in the best way regarding your age and medical condition about dose and duration of treatment.

The lower level of vitamin B12 can worsen the depression condition, therefore, you can take both vitamin B12 and citalopram together. Vitamin B12 is actively involved in the production of serotonin and another neurotransmitter that affect the mood and other functions of the brain such as depression and anxiety. No negative interaction has been reported for citalopram and vitamin B12.

Can I take Vitamin B12 with Fish Oil?

We can get required fish oil from fish and supplement to meet daily needs of it. Fish oil is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids such as EPA and DHA, therefore, it is approved by FDA to lower the levels of triglyceride in the human body.

Fish oil is also effective in treating heart diseases and vascular system related diseases. Vitamin B12 is involved in the RBCs production and DNA synthesis along with energy production through metabolism of macronutrients.

Both are essential nutrients, therefore, can be taken together but you must consult a doctor before taking them if you are suffering from any disease or health related issues. Fish oil use is not encouraged in pregnancy to mercury levels however vitamin B12 is very necessary for pregnancy for better growth and development of the fetus.

Vitamin B12 and vitamin D do not interact negatively as proven in the literature however they produced positive health benefits when used together at a monitored dose.

Especially for the lowering of higher levels of cholesterol-vitamin B12 and vitamin D are prescribed together and studies have shown that it the best combination to lower the cholesterol level in an effective and efficient manner. For nursing and pregnant women you must talk to a doctor before taking both supplements together.

Can I take Vitamin B12 with high blood pressure?

Can I take Vitamin B12 if I have high Blood Pressure? Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that is required to body to perform day to day function. Oral administration of vitamin B12 in healthy people does not interfere with the blood pressure but individuals with hypertension, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis and depression may feel short-term hypertension when they take I/V dose of vitamin B12. In such patients, immediate increase in blood volume is responsible for the increase in blood pressure that settles down slowly.

So people with above average age and with above medical condition should not take vitamin B12 by IV route and they must be closely monitored by the physician if they are taken vitamin B12 supplements from other routes.

In normal individuals vitamin, B12 and B6 work together to lower the risk for heart diseases by lowering the systemic levels of an amino acid homocysteine that is associated with cardiovascular issues. So hypertension patients should not take vitamin B12 through IV route and they must consult a doctor for other routes of administration as well.

There are chances of interaction between hypertensive medication and vitamin B12, therefore, it is advised to not take vitamin B12 if you are suffering from hypertension. In cases of vitamin B12 deficiencies, you can consult a doctor to have a safe dose regimen to fulfill its requirement.

 Can I take Vitamin B12 with Omeprazole?

There is a negative drug interaction between omeprazole and vitamin B12, therefore, both of them must be with caution. It is better to avoid their concomitant use because omeprazole suppresses the effect of vitamin B12.

Omeprazole is one of the famous members of proton pump inhibitor drugs that is available with various brand names. It is most widely used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) because it can limit the secretion of gastric acid to make stomach environment less acidic.

The use of omeprazole is highly associated with the deficiency of vitamin B12 because vitamin B12 requires an acidic environment to completely absorb in the body. That is the reason about 65 % of patients becomes vitamin B12 deficient when they are taking omeprazole to relieve heartburn.

Omeprazole decreases the absorption of vitamin B12 most commonly from food items and less commonly from supplements. Vitamin B12 supplements are safe to take if your blood has a lower level of it. You must keep in mind that you should never take vitamin B12 and omeprazole at the same time, there must be 2-4 hours gap between both medications for better absorption of vitamin B12. For the best outcomes, you must consult a doctor about dose, duration, and the gap between both medications.

Can I take Vitamin B12 with Levothyroxine?

The rate of energy utilized by the human body is mainly controlled by thyroid products or hormones produced by our thyroid glands. That’s mean metabolism is greatly affected by thyroid hormones and in some individuals, thyroid production is either increased or decreased due to over or under activity of thyroid glands. Levothyroxine is a synthetic hormonal medication that is used to treat hypothyroidism (lower thyroid hormone production).

It is used for a lifetime because hypothyroidism is irreversible. There are certain drugs and foods that interact with the absorption of levothyroxine.

Vitamin B12 does not interfere with the absorption of levothyroxine significantly but it is generally advised to take levothyroxine on an empty stomach or four hours after a meal for its better absorption and bioavailability. Therefore it is recommended to take vitamin B12 supplements four hours after a meal or one hour before a meal.

Vitamin B12 is considered the safest vitamin supplement because it is water soluble and unused vitamin B12 is excreted out in urine that prevents its accumulation in the body. It is further advised to take vitamin B fresh food sources such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and antioxidant-rich diets to relieve the symptoms and aid immune system to better resolve the medical condition.

Can I take Vitamin B12 with Lexapro?

Lexapro is an anti-depressant prescription medication that belongs to widely used class of antidepressants called Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs). Lexapro contains citalopram as an active ingredient that helps the brain to balance the amount of serotonin in depressive patients. In most of the cases, the depression results from the lower level of serotonin in brain and Lexapro can increase serotonin levels.

Vitamin B12 belongs to a group of Vitamin B and cobalamin is its active ingredient. Cobalamin or Vitamin B12 is crucial micronutrient that plays a significant role in the production of serotonin and other neurotransmitters that work for the brain.

Lexapro and Vitamin B12 both are associated with the production of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that forwards the signals to the brain so its optimum level is necessary to perform normal brain functions.

Different research studies and Doctor’s suggestion have figured out that the use of Lexapro and Vitamin B12 containing foods has no significant interaction; therefore, you can eat a moderate amount of Vitamin B12 containing foods while taking Lexapro.

However, Food and Drug Administration authority has found that there is a risk for significant drug interaction when Lexapro is taken with Vitamin B12 supplements. So you cannot take Vitamin B12 supplements with Lexapro however Vitamin B12 containing foods can be eaten.

Can I take Vitamin B12 with Lisinopril?

There is no obvious interaction between lisinopril and vitamin B12. It does not matter whether you are taking Vitamin B12 or not with lisinopril. However for special consideration such as if you are suffering from renal diseases or taking NSAIDs than you must talk to your doctor for special consideration.

Vitamin B12 is cobalamin chemically and it is necessary to perform normal body functions such as RBCs formation and DNA synthesis. Lisinopril is commonly used to treat hypertension but it is not safe in pregnancy.

It is one of the popular components of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE inhibitor) that produces relaxation of blood vessels to make the smooth supply of blood to the body and allows the heart to perform efficiently. Sodium intake must be limited while taking lisinopril to control the blood pressure and you must drink sufficient water to stay hydrated to avoid blood pressure to drop.

If you have vitamin B12 deficiency and you have tested it through blood test then you must take vitamin B12 supplements to replenish and your hypertension medication lisinopril. It is good to talk to a doctor to get exact advice about your medical condition and your medication. Then follow the way the doctor has prescribed you both medication at required dose and dosage frequency.

Can I take Vitamin B12 with Magnesium?

Vitamin B12 and magnesium is the vitamin-mineral combination and with very few exception all vitamins and minerals work together to perform whole body function in an optimum way. A single vitamin cannot work out for all body organs and systems, therefore, they have to work as a team.

There is no vitamin-mineral interaction between magnesium and vitamin B12 so you can safely take them at a time. But it is advised to first identify whether you are deficient for both of them or not. The concomitant use of vitamin B12 and magnesium is unhealthy if you don’t have deficiencies for both or single one. Whatever your medical condition is, you must follow the doctor advice to start medication.

Vitamin B12 is known as energy vitamin, therefore, it is advised to take day time either after breakfast or lunch. It involves the energy metabolism and cell formation, therefore, it is taken after a meal.

Magnesium is the fourth very abundant mineral in the human body and it regulates heartbeat and blood sugar levels in the body. It relaxes the human muscles, therefore, it is better and very effective that magnesium supplementation should be taken at night to get profound sleep.

Can I take Vitamin B12 with Metformin?

Metformin belongs to a class non-sulfonylureas of drugs that are used to treat polycystic ovary syndrome in women and type 2 diabetes mellitus. It functions by lowering the production of glucose by the liver, lowering the carbohydrate absorption in the body and increasing the sensitivity of insulin to muscle and fat cells. Vitamin B 12 is crucial in DNA formation and RBCs production.

Vitamin B12 does not interact with metformin, however, metformin decreases the absorption of vitamin B12 from the stomach by affecting the interaction between vitamin B12 and intrinsic factor in the intestine. So the prolonged use of metformin for any disease condition can reduce the absorption of vitamin B12 leading to vitamin B12 deficiency among otherwise healthy individuals.

Metformin has associated with vitamin B12 malabsorption mainly from the diet, therefore, patients who are on prolonged treatment with metformin must be given vitamin B12 supplements.

The dose of B12 supplements and route of administration can be decided by a registered physician who will estimate the level of deficiency. Because the deficiency level greatly depend on the dose of the metformin. Higher metformin doses produce higher deficiency levels.

Can I take Vitamin B12 with Methotrexate?

Methotrexate is well known the anti-cancerous drug that acts as folate antagonist to stop the new cell formation. Therefore it is widely used in chronic diseases where there is abnormal cell division and growth. So intake of folic acid or folic acid-containing foods can cease the activity of Methotrexate and it will lose its effectiveness.

Like folic acid vitamin, B12 is also involved in new cell formation by synthesizing DNA. Therefore methotrexate decreases the effect of vitamin B12 by opposing drug effect to lower the DNA synthesis. Excessive intake of vitamin B12 may decrease the effect of Methotrexate.

There is an opposing drug interaction between vitamin B12 and Methotrexate that is termed as minor. If Methotrexate is prescribed for cancer than there is no chance of vitamin B12 supplementation because it will decrease the efficiency of Methotrexate.

For abortions, psoriasis, and arthritis vitamin B12 suplementation at very low doses can mask the methotreaxte related vitamin B 12 deficiency. So you cannot take vitamin B12 with methotreaxte because both have opposing drug interaction. You must consult your Doctor or physician before taking vitamin B12 supplements when you are on methotrexate therapy.

Can I take Vitamin B12 with Pantoprazole?

Pantoprazole is proton pump inhibitor that is widely used for GERD and stomach acidity such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Pantoprazole’s mechanism of action involves the inhibition of acid pumping in the cell. That results in lowering the acid production in the stomach.

Vitamin B12 is present in a good range of food that is obtained mainly from animals. Literature has proved that long term use of pantoprazole can reduce the vitamin B12 absorption from the stomach.

When the use of pantoprazole is exceeded 1 years stomach’s environment tends toward more basic leading to reduced absorption of vitamin B12 from the stomach. Vitamin B12 requires gastric acids to bind intrinsic factor for absorption. It results in vitamin B12 deficiency in the pantoprazole users.

It is encouraged to take foods that are rich in vitamin B12 to minimize the effect of pantoprazole on vitamin B12 deficiency. There is no evidence that shows an interaction between vitamin B12 supplements and pantoprazole therefore for long-term intake of pantoprazole, patients should take lower doses of vitamin B12 to meet the body needs for vitamin B12. You must consult your doctor before starting supplementation and you must have a gap in the intake of both vitamin B12 and pantoprazole.

Can I take Vitamin B12 with Prenatal Vitamins?

Prenatal vitamins are vitamins that are taken during pregnancy and lactation. Prenatal vitamins are available as multivitamins and mineral products having a good range of all vitamins with a dose that is safe in pregnancy and lactation. Prenatal vitamins should be used as prescribed by the doctor.

Can you take B12 while pregnant?

As prenatal vitamins contain vitamin B12, therefore, there is no issue in taking vitamin B12 with them. There is no negative interaction between prenatal vitamins and vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is very necessary for the growth of fertilized egg to complete fetus but it is necessary to check whether you need extra vitamin B12 along with prenatal vitamins or not.

Blood levels can be checked through blood tests to get exact information about your Vitamin B12 level in the body. If you have little vitamin B12 deficiency than it is better to take vitamin B12 rich diet instead of supplementation but in the case of severe deficiency, you must start vitamin B12 supplementation immediately to avoid health risks to you and your baby. It is safe to take vitamin B12 in pregnancy.

In most of the cases, prenatal vitamins fulfill your daily demand of nutrients and vitamins that you are not getting from your diet. In pregnancy and lactation, there is an increased demand for vitamins and nutrients.

Can I take Vitamin B12 with Tamoxifen?

Tamoxifen is a famous agent of chemotherapy and is widely used to treat and prevent breast cancer. It is effective for metastatic breast cancer as well in both men and women. Tamoxifen shows anti-cancerous property by inhibiting the secretion of estrogen in breast tissues to control uncontrolled cell division in breast tissue. Vitamin B12 facilitate the cell formation by synthesizing DNA with the help of folate.

Vitamin B12 and Tamoxifen have opposite role in cell growth and development in cancerous patients, therefore, their concomitant use ma effect the effectiveness of overall regimen.

There is no direct interaction between vitamin B12 and tamoxifen but when tamoxifen is taken as an anti-cancer drug it decreases the absorption of vitamin B12 from the stomach and prolonged chemotherapy with tamoxifen is associated with vitamin B12 deficiency. It is advised to not take the vitamin B12 supplements when you are taking Tamoxifen for cancer to avoid opposing drug interaction.

Tamoxifen is a drug that is used as hormonal therapy in breast cancer patients to stop the estrogen to reach dividing cells to end it. It is only effective when hormonal positivity is screened for breast cancer. Therefore when you will take vitamin B12 with it, it will decrease its efficiency to some extent.

Can I take Vitamin B12 with Warfarin?

Warfarin sodium or coumadin are anticoagulant medications that are used as a blood thinner. It prevents the clot formation in the blood by inhibiting the vitamin K-dependent coagulation factor. This coagulation factor is helpful in coagulation of blood and clots formation in certain disease cases. It is most commonly prescribed in bleeding disorder.

Does Vitamin B complex interfere with Coumadin?

Coumadin or warfarin sodium have no interaction with vitamin B12 and Vitamin B complex, therefore, you can take both vitamin B12 and vitamin B complex while taking coumadin. Coumadin prevents prompt clot formation thus preventing the risk of heart attack and stroke by decreasing the viscosity of blood. It has been observed that certain vitamins and minerals can improve the efficiency of warfarin.

The exact mechanism is not known but vitamin A, B, C, and D can help the warfarin to work better to fight against blood clots. Vitamin B12 can help out human body by supporting the immune system and providing the energy to the individual cell and consequently the whole body.

So coumadin or warfarin are safe to take with vitamin B complex and vitamin B12 as well. It is necessary to assess your deficiency before starting supplementation and you also consult a physician before starting it to avoid negative outcomes.

Can I take Vitamin B12 with Xarelto?

Xarelto is Xa factor anti-coagulant that is helpful in the prevention of clot formation in the body. Most commonly it is being used to treat deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and atrial fibrillation. DVT is more common in patients who have undergone hip replacement surgery or knee replacement surgery. Xarelto can treat and prevent clot formation in both cases.

There is no evidence of the concomitant use of vitamin B12 supplements and xarelto. So it does not seem an interactive combination. They have neither opposing effect nor supporting effect. So whether you take vitamin B12 from your daily diet or through vitamin B12 supplementation it does not make difference.

Vitamin B12 have a unique role in the human body by synthesizing new cells and providing energy to the cells while xarelto have to decrease the viscosity of blood in order to prevent the blockage of blood to have efficient heart function.

Therefore if you are taking xarelto for either DVT or AF you must first check whether you have a deficiency of vitamin B 12 or not. If you have a deficiency, then, consult your physician for right doses and frequency of both medications.

Can I take Vitamin B12 with Xenax?

There is no reported drug interaction for Xenax and vitamin B12. Xenax contains Alprazolam as an active ingredient is a fast acting agent to treat anxiety, insomnia and sometimes panic attack due to its sedative properties. It is well known as addiction drug as patient’s tolerance is increased as the duration of treatment is increased.

It is advised to stop xenax slowly due to the risk of withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms are associated with Vitamin B12 depletion. Withdrawal symptoms include stress as a prominent symptom and vitamin B12 is used up in the catecholamine cycle due to higher production of stress hormone.

Vitamin B12 is also helpful in maintaining the neuronal network in the body, therefore, letting the nervous system healthier. Nervous system affects mood and behavioral changes so there is a link between Xanax and vitamin B12 working phenomenon. It is good to start vitamin B12 when you want to quit the anti-anxiety or anti-depression medication.

Vitamin B12 supplements with aid your mood and behavior change toward positivity when you end up the treatment. Therefore there is no harm in taking vitamin B12 and Xenax together, however, you can talk to your doctor about the dose of both medication and the gap needed between both medications.

Can I take Vitamin B12 with Zoloft?

Zoloft is a prescription-only medication that contains sertraline as an active agent to treat major depression, panic attacks, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. It is a member of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) class of antidepressants that work by stopping the reabsorption of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain. In this, the stay of serotonin in the brain is prolonged that aids in relieving the depression.

Vitamin B12 plays a key role in maintaining the nervous system, macronutrient metabolism, and RBCs regeneration. This is the reason vitamin B12 have no interaction with Zoloft and you can easily take vitamin B12 when you are taking Zoloft as well.

It has been observed that vitamin B12 intake during Zoloft treatment is good in treating depression in a better way. Vitamin B12 is good for better mental health, therefore, it can be used along with Zoloft without any harm.

It is necessary to talk to your doctor before you start vitamin B12 supplementation when you are taking Zoloft. The dose of both medications is very crucial although vitamin B12 is water soluble and it does not accumulate in the body. But while treating nervous system diseases such as depression it is crucial to take care of dose of all medication being administered.

Can I take Vitamin B12 with Zinc?

Zinc is an essential element that is required by the human body in very small amount to perform day to day functions. Zinc plays a key role in the production of different hormones, digestion, improves immunity and anti-inflammatory properties to combat some chronic diseases such as cancer. Similarly, vitamin B12 plays an active role in metabolism, immunity restoration, new cell formation and controlling RBCs production.

There is no interaction found in the literature between zinc and Vitamin B12, therefore, you can take zinc with vitamin B12 safely. They both essential nutrients work as a team with other nutrients to make the human body healthy and active.

The dose of both medications is crucial as you must take the required daily dose to get best results. it is good advice to consult your doctor when you start new medication in the presence of existing treatment.

Zinc intake must be prevented on an empty stomach as it leads to discomfort of the stomach and it should also not taken with or shortly after dairy products to lower the chances of interaction between zinc and iron and zinc and calcium.

How long does Vitamin B12 stay in the body, blood, brain, hair, saliva?

Vitamin B12 is chemically cobalamin and it is water soluble vitamin. Vitamin B12 can be taken either in free form or protein bound from. If you will ingest a free form of vitamin B12 than it will bind to a carrier protein, that is secreted by mucosal cells of stomach and salivary glands. If you will ingest it in protein-bound form then it will break down in stomach and bind to a carrier protein to absorb into the blood stream.

Due to its aqueous solubility, it has very short stay in the body. Most of the unabsorbed vitamin B12 is excreted out of the body in urine. It can stay in the liver for years for even 5 to 7 years but it has a short stay in the blood and needs a daily dose of vitamin B12 from supplements and diet. There is no evidence of the presence of vitamin B12 in hair and saliva but salivary glands can secrete protein for binding with vitamin B12.

Fat soluble vitamins are absorbed in fat tissues and they stay longer in the human body, brain, and blood as compared to water soluble vitamin such as vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 has longer stay only in liver and that is the reason, most of the vegans don’t realize vitamin B12 deficiency in the first five years of change in their dietary habits to vegan.

Does Vitamin B12 show up on drug tests?

Vitamin B12 is not a drug, therefore, it cannot be detected on a drug test. A drug test can use any sample of your body including urine, blood, saliva, breath, sweat and even hairs. Blood test detects the parent drug compound that is intact in the blood while urine test identifies the inactive metabolites.

Illicit drugs such as amphetamine, cannabis, PCP, barbiturates, methamphetamine, LSD, cotinine, cocaine, and benzodiazepine are detected through blood drug test. Blood drug test has a limitation of having shorter detection window. Blood drug tests are accurate but not much common but these are costly.

In most of the cases, blood tests are required for court orders, employment issues and insurance jobs. Drugs have the tendency to change the mental health and mental status of an individual leading to disturbance in a workplace environment.

Therefore it is important whenever you are going to be employed by any organization. You can take vitamin B12 because it does not show up on drug test however it sometimes leads to false positive testing. Because Vitamin B12 gives a pale color to the urine so it may result in false urine drug test.

Is it safe to take vitamin B12 with Multivitamin, B complex, Vitamin D and Vitamin C?